Become an authentic, inspired, and conscious leader in life.

To be an effective leader in the world today, you need to be able to create and shape culture, guide people through change, align to a mission-driven vision, and innovate (internally and externally).

You need to be sharp, decisive, bold, thoughtful, strong, driven, informed, and clever; a visionary.

To thrive as a leader today, you need to be able to orchestrate harmony, balance authenticity with vulnerability, demonstrate courage over fear and reactivity, prioritize core values, and tell the truth.

You need to be able to read and align the consciousness of your organization and strategic impact to its highest potential.

You need to be intuitive, courageous, open, kind, conscious, self-aware, creative, and compassionate; you need to be supernatural.

Learn how to engage your leadership super powers, regulate your state of being, tap into intuition, master the skill of alignment, read and choose frequencies, prioritize the wellbeing of yourself and your team, and empower an energized culture. 

1:1 Conscious Leadership Intensive

This is a 12 week program that is intended to look deeply into who you are as a leader, and who you want to be, along with customized guidance as you become it.

It is an intensive experience into your inner world and how that expresses through you. You must be willing to look at your Truth and to open up to new possibilities of what it means to lead.

This program includes:

  • 12 weekly 1:1 sessions with Erin

  • Practices and tools to support your journey

  • Reference List: recommended resources for continued study and integration

Conscious Leadership Immersion

This is a 16 week program that is intended to look deeply into who you are as a leader, and who you want to be, along with tools, practice, guidance, and community to become it.

This program is not about what you do or what results you achieve, it is about who you have the courage to become as a conscious leader.

This program includes:

  • 16 weekly videos deep diving into the qualities and skills of conscious leadership

  • Practices and tools to support your journey and apply the principles

  • Group integration calls for live practice and real time guidance and co-creation

  • Reference List: recommended resources for continued learning and application

  • Optional Conscious Leadership Retreat (additional cost)

Conscious Leadership Circles

This circle gathers to deep dive into conscious change and conscious leadership themes, practices, and examples.

This is a safe space to ask questions, discover insights, contribute reflections, receive guidance, become inspired, and connect with others who recognize the power and value of being a conscious leader.